This service is available at the following Medimpo branch only: Ridgeway Pharmacy
We provide this NHS service for intra-venous drug users. Please see below for the Service description.
Service description
The Pharmacy will provide access to sterile needles and syringes, and containers for return of used equipment. Where agreed locally, associated materials, for example condoms, citric acid and swabs, to promote safe injecting practice and reduce transmission of infections by substance misusers will be provided.
The Pharmacy will offer a user friendly, non-judgmental, client centred and confidential service.
Used equipment is normally returned by the service user for safe disposal.
The service user will be provided with appropriate health promotion materials.
The Pharmacy will provide support and advice to the user, including referral to other health and social care professionals and specialist drug and alcohol treatment services where appropriate.
The Pharmacy will promote safe practice to the user, including advice on sexual health and STIs, HIV and Hepatitis C transmission and Hepatitis B immunisation.